Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Vintage Comic Book Mail Holder

I went thrifting for a little inspiration this afternoon. I came across an amazing vintage store {I will write a post about this store soon}! I also came across some great finds at my local Goodwill. One of my finds was this little work of art:

This was $3.00 and in great shape. I'm not really into the fake plant/palm tree picture wall art, so I scrapped the fake leaves and the Styrofoam they came in. I also managed to pop off the back and take out the palm tree picture. This is what I ended up with:

After those fake leaves were removed, I had a nice slot for mail! I wasn't sure If I wanted to paint this or try something else. Then I remembered what I found at that cool vintage store:

I decided to use the pages from this 1967 comic book to cover my mail holder. This sort of thing isn't everyone's style, but I thought it would be pretty rad.


I cut out pages to fit the different angles of the mail holder and mod podged them on. This was slightly messy :) I actually got a little sticky trying to smooth out all of my edges. I am pretty happy with the final product!

I replaced the palm tree pic with a saying I love. And I threw in some bright yellow paper. I hope you like it!


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