Friday, December 21, 2012

Secret Santa: Part 1

Hi Everyone! I was so excited to get a chance to participate in the Blogger Secret Santa Swap!

Here is the wonderful gift I received from Tricia at Today with the Tennery's:

My goofy son immediately stole one of my hand sanitizers, we love those! 

I got to be the secret santa for Brenna over at Perfectly Imperfect Mom. I know she hasn't been blogging lately due to the passing of her mom and dad. My thoughts are with her, I can't imagine such a loss.

I put together a little package for her that included an owl earing and necklace set, some Christmas socks, peppermint Christmas chapstick and a sticky note meal plan organizer (there may have been more, but I can't remember...I should have taken a photo). 

I call this Part 1 because I got a special email from someone stating that I have another gift on the way! I am very excited!

Linked up at:


  1. Secret Santa was very good with you!I love the idea of this swap!lots of love and happy Holidays to you!

  2. Thanks so much for linking up. We did double some up. I cant wait to hear more about the meal plan organizer.

    Happy holidays

  3. Thank you for my gift. Sorry I didn't post but obviously you know things have been rough. I appreciate the thought you put into it <3



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