Monday, June 17, 2013

Imagine Your Perfect Day

This post was inspired by an exercise I found at Silly Grrl Design and Circus. Her website is truly amazing! Check out the post that inspired the one you are about to read, The Escape: Imagine Your Perfect Day.

My Perfect Day...

I wake up with the sunshine, no alarm clocks.
I make coffee and go to morning yoga or Pilates.
I come home, shower, get dressed for the day.

I go to my shop (Columbia Upcycle), where I am surrounded by creativity. I spend my day looking at the treasures customers bring in for exchanges. I get to make unique things, write tutorials and blog about it. I get to meet people who share a love for things that are vintage and a love for crafting. I am always on my own time. There is no boss to correct my work. There is no one to report to. I feel a sense of calm and excitement. There is no stress. There are no deadlines. I play music all day and sing along in my store. I make enough money to pay all of my bills on time. I have enough money for my family to take vacations. I don't have to borrow money from others just to make it to my next paycheck. My family is happy.

I come home to my husband, our son and our crazy Chiweenies (Ok, sometimes the puppies spend the day at the shop with me). We have healthy meals and a clean house. We all talk about how great our days were. We are all happy.

In the future there are more children, who spend the day at the shop with me until they go off to pre-school. I always make my own schedule, so I never miss a field trip or class party. I will never again drive an hour or more to work. My shop is close to the kids' schools and to our home.

Ahh, what a perfect day!

I have to be honest, when I first starting writing this post, I had every minute of the day planned out. For example: "8am: wake up, 9am-10am: yoga, 10am-10:30am: breakfast". I wrote out my whole day and then I said "NO". This is exactly the kind of life I am trying to escape. I do not want every moment of my day scheduled. I do like some structure, but the anxiety of trying to meet a deadline every half hour has taken its toll on me.

So, this is my perfect day. What's yours?


  1. Love this Michelle! Sounds like a fulfilling yet relaxed day and I love that you caught yourself planning hour by hour and re-worked it. Best of luck to you!

    1. Thank you Sarah! And thanks again for the inspiration!

  2. Wow, this is an awesome post! I hope you are able to have this life soon. It sounds lovely and relaxing - just how I would want my day!



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