Sunday, February 24, 2013

Creative Therapy: Why I Won't "Fall" for Drugs

This is a super simple activity I did to kick of the Fall season. The kids had a lot of fun doing this at lunch time. I hung the finished product in the hall at school so the kids could check out why everyone else wasn't going to "Fall" for drugs.

Why I Won't "Fall" for Drugs

Purpose: For students to discover personal reasons why they don't want to use drugs and for students to examine the reasons why fellow students don't want to use drugs. 

Leaf cut outs (I got mine at Dollar Tree, they are actually doilies)
Pens or Markers
Tree trunk and branches cut out from butcher or construction paper

Have the students write a reason why they won't "Fall" for drugs. 
Set up your tree and leaf display where all students can see it. 

If students are having trouble coming up with ideas, the following questions could be used:
What would your family think if you used drugs?
How would your friends feel if you used drugs?
How would you feel about yourself if you used drugs?
Would you be able to play sports or get a good job if you used drugs?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Creative Therapy: Different and the Same

This is an activity I did with my grief and loss group. I have posted the pictures before, but here I will describe the activity in more detail.

Different and the Same

Purpose: To let students express creativity while learning the concept that we are all different, but an important part of something bigger. The "bigger" could be a sense of community, family, group of friends or part of a school.

Small canvas tiles for each student
A picture cut into equal pieces for each student
Paints or markers
Block or something to mount your finished product

Before the group, cut the photo into equal squares (it helps to number each piece)
Give each student a piece of the picture.
Instruct the students to re-create exactly what is on their piece of the photo onto the tile.
When the students are finished, put the pieces of the picture together and admire your finished product!

Discussion Questions:
What are some ways we are different from each other?
Why is it important to be part of something bigger?
How would our finished product look if we were missing a piece?
List one unique quality about yourself.

Creative Therapy Labels

As most of you know, I work with kids and teens providing substance abuse education and treatment. I have been working hard to incorporate more creative therapies into my group and individual sessions. From now on  I am going to try and post the majority of my activities on the blog.

Some of the activities involve art, others are games. Right now I facilitate groups for grief and loss, social skills, anger management, friendship building and at-risk youth groups. Once a month I try to do a lunch time activity with kids about substance abuse prevention.

I hope some of the teachers, counselors and parents find these activities fun and useful!

Here are the links to posts I have already labeled as "Creative Therapy", enjoy!

The Learning Tree
Halloween Kids Game (Web of Lies)
Valentine's Drug-Free Activity 

Wonderful Old Things

Sharing some photos of some wonderful old things on this snowy Saturday...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Spotlight: Ashley Benson Fitness!

It's been a long time since I have done a spotlight post! Meet my newest blog friend, Ashley!

I'm Ashley Benson - a personal trainer/pilates instructor turned blogger!  I am finding that I can encourage more people through a blog than in my gym.  My other new venture is Health and Fitness Vacations!  I did my first one in November.  Check it out FITNESS VACATION!  I am hoping to spread the word about this unique opportunity! 

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Name - Ashley Benson
Blog name and link - AshleyBensonFitness
Social networking links -
Twitter: @AshleyBensonFit  
Pinterest: Ashley Benson 
Instagram: ashleybensonfitness 

  • Why did you start blogging? To encourage my clients beyond the gym
  • What is your favorite thing to write about? I love to include my family into my health & fitness posts
  • Where is your favorite place to write? Starbucks :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Writing Adventure:

Hi Blog Friends!

I know I have not been posting a lot. Life is hectic as usual. One of the reasons I haven't been posting as much is because I got a great gig as a freelance writer for a website called! is a new website that provides information on great places to eat, drink and work in Missouri. It's an interesting site for tourists or for anyone looking for something new to do in Missouri.

I will post links to my articles, along with some additional photos. I would love it if you guys could check out the site and show them some social media love. Here are all of the links: Website on Facebook on Twitter

Link to my first article:


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